martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Gangrena - The Zombie Survival Society

Brutal Death Metal



01 - Extinction Of Grotesque Humanity

02 - The Zombie Survival Society Ft. Caín From Svin Killer

03 - Unappeasable Hunger For Living Flesh Ft. Mai From Grave Grinder

04 - No Salvation Ft. Christine P. Newman From Pyrrah

05 - Mortuary Horror Dr. Obn From Panchreatocholectomy

06 - Zombie Grinder Machine Ft. Sebas Gore From Coprocefalia

07 - Fleshwarper Marionette Ft. Rot Screwrot From Morbid Crucifixion

08 - Cult Of The Hungry Assassin Ft. Juan A Leohn From Digging Your Tomb

09 - OutroFt. Beast Butcher From Satanic Butcher

10 - Consequence (Ulcerous Phlegm Cover) - Bonus Track

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